Born: September 19, 1947 ( years) Birthplace: Clairton, Pennsylvania Location: (Unknown) About: First Deaf NFL Player 1969-1976 |
Larry Brown was the first known football player in the NFL to have hearing loss. Brown was deaf in one ear. He played for the Washington Redskins as a running back. Brown's coach, Vince Lombardi, noticed that Brown would often tilt his head to listen and stand close to his teammates to hear what they were saying.
For Brown, who was born unable to hear in his right ear, professional football was not the cause of his deafness. Instead, the sport led him to face his disability and get the first of a series of devices that have helped alleviate the problem.
Some said Brown was too slow off the snap to cut it in the NFL. The coach dug a little deeper and discovered that Brown was deaf in his right ear.
New push to put former Redskins running back Larry Brown in the Hall of Fame.