Born: January 22, 1930 Birthplace: Cornelia, Georgia Deceased: April 2, 2024 (aged 94 years) Location: Cumming, Georgia About: Longest GAD Member |
Georgia Association of the Deaf's Longest Member was Joyce Brown.
Joyce Avery Brown graduated from the Georgia School for the Deaf at age 16 and attended Gallaudet University in Washington, D.C., where she was a member of Phi Kappa Zeta sorority.
Joyce's professional life began at the Trust Company of Georgia and continued at Gallaudet, where she was the senior admissions specialist, retiring in 1994. She served as a board member for the Georgia Association of the Deaf, the Deaf Seniors of America, the Deaf Seniors of Georgia and the National Association of the Deaf.
One of the great joys of Joyce's life, in addition to her family, was traveling the world with friends. Over the years she visited 32 countries, including the Soviet Union, Great Britain, Japan and Germany.