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Last Update: September 7, 2017

April 6, 1979 ( years)
Cracow, Poland
Mahiya Mui Paciorek
Los Angeles, California
Consultant of Ambit Energy

Consultant of Ambit Energy

I’d like to thank Taj Hill for introducing me to the Ambit opportunity when I was in Waukegan, IL. I am impressed that Ambit opened the electricity market when I was a newly joined as a marketing consultant and customer..

My ‘why’ that I joined is because I love working at home rather than 9 to 5 job, especially my own hours and time freedom. I believed in myself to become NC because I am a natural-born network marketing professional. It is also is my personal interest to help people save money or/and earn extra income.

Sorenson and Purple Communication VRS equipment are advanced technology tools for the deaf. These tools are so essential for my success! If they did not exist, I would have never reached National Consultant. Believe in yourself by helping people. You should never stop doing the Ambit business.

References + Suggested Readings
AMBIT Success


